Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Info Review

FireWise Ohio started in 2003

They believe that the most effective influience on our target age group is money. like fines and cost.

increase awareness of wild fire occurrences in ohio.

people may not know what to do in a wild fire situation.

smokey is most effective k-2 grades.

we need role models or celebs endorsing wild fire prevention.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ways to reach audience?

Ways to reach audience?
1. web site- youtube
2. video/commercial
3. posters
4. flyers
5. mailer
6. radio
7. brochure/pamphlets
8. stickers
9. pins
10. pens
11. trail displays
12. antenna balls
13. billboard
14. graffiti
15. banners
16. email/chain mail/ news letter
17. bracelets/ gel bracelets
18. t-shirts
19. hats
20. hoodies
21. comic
22. animated shorts
23. mugs
24. match book
25. lighters
26. torches
27. glow sticks
28. flash lights
29. key chains w/ light
30. ribbon magnets
31. mouse pads
32. coloring book
33. note pads
34. stuffed animals
35. bobble heads
36. air freshener
37. beads
38. picnic baskets
39. blankets
40. foam hands/bear paw
41. ping pong balls
42. lanyards
43. carabineer
45. flash games
46. pod cast
47. forums
48. blogs
49. magazine ad/ newspaper
50. CD/music
51. DVD
52. ring tones
53. text messages
54. smokey the beer

Questions Part 3

1. What is your current campaign and do you feel that campaign is still effective?
2. What do you like about it?
3. What would you like to change?
4. How do you want people to feel and ultimately respond?
5. How is Ohio’s campaign different than the rest of the country?
6. Do you think Smokey the Bear is effective with 25-39 year olds and are there alternatives for that audience?
7. How is Smokey the Bear being used now and would you like to see him used more often?
8. Please list any web sites that are effective or video/radio spots that are effective to your campaign?
9. Who will be in charge of making the final decisions and how can we contact them?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Questions Revisited

1.Is there anything you hate about the current Smokey the Bear campaigne? If so, what would you like to do diiffferent with the campaigne?

2.What is your target audience?

3.What is the message are you trying to communicate to the audience?

4.How do you want then target audience to react to this campaigne?

5.What emotion are you trying to convey?

6.what would you like to change?

7.is there any content you have that we should use?

Sunday, November 18, 2007


what do you want done?
what do u like about your current campain?
what do you dislike about your current campain?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What I Learned From Motion Emotion

The 3 most useful thinks i learned from this project:
1. It is very difficult to get a few people together for a few hours to do a shoot.

2. I learned how to make a scene black and white, with one color.

3. I also learned how to do time-lapse in Adobe Premiere Cs3

What from class i found useful?
i've never done story boarding befor, that was useful

What i would like to learn more about?
i would like to learn more about Abobe Premiere Cs3 this was the first real project that i used it for i would like to know more about the program

Saturday, November 3, 2007

In the absence of light, darkness prevails... Script

In the absence of light, darkness prevails...

(Elevator doors open, girl on phone:

2 people walk out, puts phone in purse girl starts looking through purse

Man opens door, girl pauses now intently looking though purse)

Girl: “I can’t find my keys”

Guy: “better hurry up, the door is going to lock at midnight, no one in no one out”

Girl exits door.

As she walks by guy says: “have you heard about all the kidnappings around here lately?”

Guy lets door close, (camera angle exits door, showing friends from behind showing car far away in lot) girl stops just out side door.

Guy walks over to girl.

Girl: “Arg! The keys can wait!”

(Camera pans around to show dark corner of building, where a shadow stands, slow methodic music starts.)

Guy: “did you hear about….:

Girl cuts him off: “what are you doing this weekend?”

Guy: “probably just going to the movies, how about you?”

Girl: “My friend Movie Miguel is having a party I’m going to”

Guy: (almost disappointed) “yeah, isn’t he that really funny guy? (not waiting for a response) You talk about him a lot, aren’t you two dating?”

Girl stops, guy takes one step be for stopping and turning to her waiting for a response.

(Faint glass breaking)

Girl (intensely looks around): “did you hear that?”

Guy: “what?”

(Camera shows “shadow” outside of building now)

(Camera runs up from behind, camera shows the face of the unsuspecting friends screen goes black)


(Fades up on girl laying on the ground. Low camera angle as girl gets up and looks around calling out for friend, feeling for her purse.)

Girl: “my purse is gone!”

(She looks down sees player, picks it up and presses play camera focused on player. Once message starts camera on girls face a look of horror cut to black)

(Building “SAW” music Climaxes)


(Fades up on girl lying on the ground, Low camera angle as girl gets up and looks around calling out for friend, feeling for her purse.)

Girl: “my purse is gone!”

(She looks around and sees blood trail running off building. She runs to edge looks down)

(As she runs to edge far shot)

Girl: “OH My GOD”

(Camera just on face, look of horror)

(Girl looks to side so see some writing, then sees arrow pointing to player. Ignoring the writing she picks up the player and presses play camera focused on player. Once message starts camera on girls face a look of terror cut to black)

(Building “SAW” music Climaxes)

In the absence of light, darkness prevails. Treatment

In the absence of light, darkness prevails. Treatment

Fading up from black revealing a panning still of the building that is the location for this video once panning has stopped it zooms out on the still. Dips to black then fades up on time laps of the sun setting on the buildings, once it becomes night we get a close up of one of the exits of the building. Amanda exits the building looking through her purse walking away from the door as it closes behind her she stops. She states “I forgot something in my office” just as the door closes. She turns around and tries to open the door, it’s locked.

While Amanda is fiddling with the door she hears a twig snap sound behind her, she stops messing with the door and looks over her shoulder. As she does you see a mysterious man through the window of the door looking at her, you begin to hear a very methodic and dramatic sounding music begin. Amanda now fully turns towards the direction of the sound, sticking close to the neighboring wall she slowly moves toward the direction of the sound while music increases in intensity. She gets to the corner of the wall and pauses, music climaxes. As it does her friend jumps out from around the corner. “Boo” he yells startling Amanda. Her friend laughs at her, and then apologizes for scaring her. Amanda walks past her friend not saying anything.

They walk in silence for a moment down a semi-lighted path, Amanda’s friend in order to break the silence he says “there is no one here…you know there have been a lot of reported kidnappings round here lately…”

Amanda cuts him off “what are you doing this weekend?”

“Not much maybe going to the movies, how about you?”

Amanda replies “I’m going to a party tomorrow night at Movie Miguel’s house”

“Oh, I’ve heard of him I hear he is a really funny guy, arn’t you two dating?”

Before she can respond she hears another sound, she stops her friend takes a few more steps then stops to look at her. Amanda looks back and sees the man from before, under one of the lights a few lights back, her friend now sees the man as well. Amanda tells her friend to run. They both turn to run and they get attacked by some sort of creature from the direction they were heading. The screen goes black.

Amanda wakes up in a blur once she begins to remember what happens she looks around and calls out for her friend nowhere to bee seen she does spot a tape player laying on the ground next to her that was not there before. She picks it up and presses play very intense dramatic music starts “hello Amanda you don’t know me but I know you. I want to play a game; most people are so ungrateful to be alive not any more. You think you are safe you are wrong.” Cut to black dramatic music is intense credits roll.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The "Effect"

The thought i would like to leave people with once viewed my video is a slight bit of confusion, but confusion as in they would like to see more or know what happens next. The feeling I would want them to be left with is being "scared".

Story Board Video

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Motion Emotion music possibilties

hello zepp- Charlie Clouser

Zepp Overature-Charlie Clouser

Dont Forget The Rules-Charlie Clouser

Sh*t hole theme-Charlie Clouser

Amanda-Charlie Clouser

The Ring-Charlie Clouser

Your Test-Charlie Clouser

Fix Me-Charlie Clouser

Final Test- Charlie Clouser

Cleansing-Marilyn Manson

Resident Evil Theme-Marilyn Manson

Halloween 1963-John Charpenter

The Shape-John Charpenter

The Haunted House-John Charpenter

Empty Street-John Charpenter

Friday, October 12, 2007

Video Shooting Tips


Tripods for Steady Shots

Use a tripod to get a steady shot, particularly if you're shooting something that is not moving or a formal interview.

If you don't have a tripod or you're doing a shot where you'll have to move quickly, then find something to steady your camera - i.e. lean against a tree, put the camera on top of a trashcan, etc.

If you must shoot without a tripod or other support, shoot a wider angle shot. The wider the focal length, the steadier the shot.

Framing and Composing Your Shots

Be aware of composition in your shots and how you frame your shots, particularly with interviews.

For example, avoid a shot of a person with a plant or pole in back of them. It will look like the plant or pole is growing out of the back of the person's head.

When shooting interviews pay attention to your surroundings and don't be reticent or shy about rearranging furniture, moving things on a desk, pushing plants out of the frame of your shot,. etc. to improve the setting, or asking the subject of your shoot to change positions so you properly frame the shot.

And if you're having technical problems, don't be afraid to take charge and stop the interview until you can properly set up the shot.

Shut Up When You Shoot

When you press the record button, shut up already!

Keep in mind that when the camera is rolling it picks up all the ambient sound, not just what you're focusing on. And you won't be able to separate the unwanted audio out in the editing process.

Don't talk while the camera is rolling, either to yourself or with other members of your team, and no humming.

This is especially important when you're shooting B-roll like natural sound, such as the noise of a busy street or a nature scene, where the sound is critical to the shot.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Quotes For Motion Emotion Project

In the absence of light, darkness prevails...

~Derived from Buddhist

You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?


Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.

~The Architect:

Neo: Love... human emotion.
Rama-Kandra: No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies.

"Love means never having to say you're sorry."

-Erich Segal

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog Creation

We are now well in to the the "I Want It Now" project. We have created mulptiple conceptes and explained the details of the ideas in about a paragraph.
We have moved on to creating a "mock" interface of our projects. I created my "mock" was created using photoshop, in the in-class "user testing" it got good feedback so i must be doing something right.